Department of Clinical Chemistry / Universitätsinstitut für Klinische Chemie


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Biomarker liefern Hinweis auf Rückbildung von Leberzirrhose

Forschende des Inselspitals, Universitätsspital Bern und der Universität Bern, haben in Zusammenarbeit mit der Medizinischen Universität Wien einen bedeutenden Fortschritt im Verständnis und in der Behandlung chronischer Lebererkrankungen erzielt. In einer aktuellen Studie identifizierten sie eine Reihe von >

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KISS by Epic: Das neue Patientenportal myInsel


Artikel weiterlesen: Comparison of methods for donor-derived cell-free DNA quantification in plasma and urine from solid organ transplant recipients

Comparison of methods for donor-derived cell-free DNA quantification in plasma and urine from solid organ transplant recipients

In allograft monitoring of solid organ transplant recipients, liquid biopsy has emerged as a novel minimally invasive approach using quantification of cell-free DNA in plasma originating from the allograft, so-called donor-derived cfDNA (dd-cfDNA). Despite early clinical implementation and analytical >

Artikel weiterlesen: Schwere Embolien dank künstlicher Intelligenz vermeiden

Schwere Embolien dank künstlicher Intelligenz vermeiden

Nach einer grossen Operation oder einer schweren Entzündung werden Patientinnen und Patienten im Spital mit dem Blutgerinnungshemmer Heparin behandelt, um Thrombosen zu vermeiden. Bei wenigen von ihnen kommt es jedoch zu einer seltenen Komplikation, die HIT (Heparin-induzierte Thrombozytopenie) genannt wird >

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The Department of Clinical Chemistry is an academic institute affiliated with the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, and the University of Bern. Providing clinical services within the Center for Laboratory Medicine, our laboratory specialists ensure a high professional quality of the analyses and effective workflows. Thanks to an efficient organization, we offer a highly automated 24/7 core lab and a wide range of analyses of special diagnostics that benefit the highly complex and rare patients of the University Hospital. A wide range of research services, including state-of-the-art biobanking solutions, support local clinical research groups, and international consortia. Our research groups use cutting-edge analytical technologies and apply the concepts of precision medicine and data-driven health research to advance laboratory medicine in the context of digitalization. Our academic staff holds teaching assignments at various faculties of the University of Bern and different Universities in Switzerland. We are supervising a large number of theses for various academic degrees.